CASB Delegation to Shenzhen Hi-Tech Fair, Oct.2004

Dear CASB friends,

CASB is going to form a delegation to participate in the China High-Tech Fair to be held in Shenzhen from 10/11 to 10/15. We will also visit Shantou (10/8-10/10), Hong Kong (10/10-10/11) and Guangzhou (10/14 to 10/16).

I will lead the CASB delegation. Some famous people, such as Dr. John Gibbons, the Science Advisor of US President Bill Clinton from 1993 to 1998, and Dr. David Chang, the President of New York Polytechnic University, will join us. We will have press conferences in Hong Kong and Shenzhen. President David Chang will also present a keynote speech in the China High-Tech Fair Education Forum on 10/13. We will meet the governors of Shenzhen and Shantou, and leaders of Chinese companies and universities. We will focus on Hi-Tech projects exchange, private university projects and overseas financing projects. We will also participate in the first China International Hi-Tech Intelligent Conference, which is part of the China High-Tech Fair, and our people in Shenzhen are in charge of the preparation of the conference.

We have free limited booths in the exhibition hall for you to display your projects and to promote your companies and your products in the domestic market. If you are interested, please contact with Rachel Shao, CASB’s Vice Secretary General immediately via email “> or phone 212-736-1104.

For more information, please check our website or our Shenzhen Overseas Chinese Students Venture Park’s website and CHTF’s website

Best regards,

Daxi Li
Chairman, Chinese Association for Science and Business (CASB)

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Categories: Events
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Published on: 10月 3, 2004

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